If you are on this page that means you participated in The Tim Creager 5k.
Thank you so much for your participation. The Tim Creager 5k raises money for _______________ and I for one am very proud to be a sponsor. in order to say thank you to other participants and sponsors I am donating my time in a meaningful way and offering up my real estate services to everyone involved in the race at a very discounted rate. The bearer of the card used to bring you to this site can obtain a full service real estate listing by me Jaime Osborn for free. (or almost free at least) The fee to list your home with the use of this discount card is only 3.5%! That's 3% to a buyer's agent and .5% to my office to cover the marketing fees that my office provides.
I can provide this full service real estate marketing plan and everything that it includes at such a huge discount in the hopes that you would be willing to spread the word about the service that I can provide if you decide to claim your discounted listing, Or that you would be willing to use me as a buyer's agent or loan originator (as I'm licensed to do both, a "one stop shop" if you will) for the next home you purchase.
If you would like more information regarding what my full service marketing plan includes, feel free to click on the links below for examples of the type of material, technology, and advertising that I utilize to help you get the best price for your property.
If a full service listing isn't something that you are interested at this point in time, I'd like to thank you again for your participation in the event. If you or anyone you know is in the market for a home to purchase I'd also like to offer those services to you, although not at a discounted price, as those services would be free to you anyway, as except in rare cases all commissions for a buyer's agent are still paid from the owners of the home you purchase.
It is not required to use any of the other services (buyer's agent, property management, loan origination) to get your home listed for 3.5%
This Page isn't reachable from any of the other pages as it is a special page only available to the holder of a card exactly like yours. To reach this page again you'll need to scan the QR code from your phone again.
To claim your discounted 3% listing please call me to schedule an appointment. (901) 490-3542.